Wizz.io 0.1.33 Alpha 2023-5-28 - Use lodash library to improve performance 0.1.32 Alpha 2023-5-21 - Fixed bug that unable to level up wands caused by legacy pixijs - Improved interaction on mouse over attribute UI 0.1.31 Alpha 2022-7-28 - Added Boss - Server script improvement 0.1.30 Alpha 2022-7-23 - Reduce pack size from server to client (changed compression method) - Server script improvement 0.1.29 Alpha 2022-7-22 - Fixed issue that spell varies to unit velocity - Changed sprites and graphics (wizards, staff, crystals) - Added use item tween - Changed the level-ups curve from exponential to linear - Buffed HP level-up from 150 to 200 - Added new Staff - Giant Staff, Planet Staff (from Mega Staff) - Quad Staff, Hexa Staff (from Duo Staff) - Sword Staff, Laser Staff (from Flame Staff) - Changed name of Demon Staff to Burst Staff 0.0.29 Alpha 2022-7-19 - Added FPS setting - Storing settings - Slightly increase friction as physic framerate was changed - Setting Panel in-game (t) 0.0.28 Alpha 2022-7-18 - Nerfed movement speed level ups - Changed graphics of spells - Removed physics of spells - Reduce variation of unit velocity when shooting - Client and server script improvement - Fixed ping display error - Changed physic framerate from 60 to 20 0.0.27 Alpha 2022-7-17 - Server script improvement 0.0.26 Alpha 2022-7-15 - Fixed bug that stats panel could be open when typing chat message - Fixed bug that server-to-client pack size is large every other frame - Greatly reduce server-to-client pack size - Changed Default name from User [number] to Wizz [number] 0.0.25 Alpha 2022-7-14 - Fixed bug that skills could be level up when typing chat message - Added stats panel button (m) - Added background image for menu - Improved buttons in settings 0.0.24 Alpha 2022-7-13 - Fixed weapon level up bug upon death 0.0.23 Alpha 2022-7-12 - Changed Exp getting speed (maxed out about 12 minutes) - Improved the crystal's movement randomness - Mouse rotation prediction setting - Fixed entity contact bug 0.0.22 Alpha 2022-7-11 - Improved HP regeneration logic (regen by percentage) - Removed spell no physics at the first 50ms after spawn - Removed old crossroad map and replaced by grid map - Changed color of wizards, staffs and spells - Varies coin size by their rarity 0.0.21 Alpha 2022-7-9 - Fixed bugs related to level up staff 0.0.20 Alpha 2022-7-8 - Fixed scoreboard display issue - Fixed weld weapon do not rotate when unit rotate issue - Fixed weld weapon has incorrect interpolation issue - Increase z-Index of unit name and HP UI 0.0.19 Alpha 2022-7-8 - Slightly improve the movement control experience - Slightly reduce pack size transmitted from server to player - Added colors for staff level up options 0.0.18 Alpha 2022-7-7 - Added 3 classes (Demon, Penta, Volcano) to level up at level 45 - Added auto fire button (e) 0.0.17 Alpha 2022-7-6 - Added 3 classes (Beast, Trio, Spitfire) to level up at level 30 0.0.16 Alpha 2022-7-5 - Added 3 classes (Mega, Duo, Flame) to level up at level 15 - Added number abbreviations for large points value in scoreboard - Smoothen movement of rings 0.0.15 Alpha 2022-7-2 - Optimized pack size transmitted from server to player 0.0.14 Alpha 2022-7-1 - Added HP for coins - Unhook relation of ram damage and movement speed - Fixed visual issue that skills do not reset after dead 0.0.13 Alpha 2022-6-30 - Changed the theme of the game from car and turret to Wizard - Slightly reduce data that send from server to players per frame - Movement method changed from tank to normal WASD - Bullet Penetration changed to spell size 0.0.12 Alpha 2022-6-29 - Added Mini map - Map updated 0.0.11 Alpha 2022-6-28 - Number keys now available for skills level up - UI (scoreboard) burned into canvas 0.0.10 Alpha 2022-6-27 - Temporary remove upgrade class - UI (skills and EXP levels) burned into canvas 0.0.9 Alpha 2022-6-26 - Hide HP bar when full HP 0.0.8 Alpha 2022-6-26 - Compressed data that send from the server to player 0.0.7 Alpha 2022-6-25 - Added random movement to coins - Added 4 class (Canon, Gamma, Mg, Cube) to level up at level 30 0.0.6 Alpha 2022-6-24 - Changed image sprites to graphics 0.0.5 Alpha 2022-6-23 - Added 1 class (Trap) to level up at level 15 - Added physics bodies to coins - Settings on the menu page 0.0.4 Alpha 2022-6-21 - Added 3 classes (Mega, Laser, Flame) to level up at level 15 0.0.3 Alpha 2022-6-19 - Fixed random disconnect issue 0.0.2 Alpha 2022-6-17 - Added interpolation - Reduced communication times from client to server 0.0.1 Alpha 2022-6-16 - Remade outside modd.io - Features at the moment - Chat system - Scoreboard - Level ups (get EXP to level up by collecting coins and destroy other car